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Teachings From the Tree of Life, part 34: Anger is a Wiindigoo

Writer's picture: zhaawanozhaawano

Updated: Dec 12, 2024

Binaakwe-giizis ("Falling Leaves Moon") - 2024



A letter to a friend

You know, I myself grew up in a background that taught me to be down to earth. What I find so bone-chilling is that in the old days, Native people were overall gentle, down to earth, both in their beliefs and their expressions. But nowadays, almost everyone under the age of 70 seems to have fallen prey to the mass hysteria that is the norm today in Western society. The anger-bandwagon reflex. This anger-bandwagon reflex is precisely what makes the so-called Prentendian Hunters tick.

A hysterical emotional response is when you’re having too much emotion, because you’re not in touch with the foundational feeling. Everyone seems to be so angry, so shortchanged and wronged these days. Social media has given us a way to transmute that micro anger– which often we do not have the power to change – to every other area of life. The micro anger turning into macro anger is really scary, when you think of it.

When it comes to Native peoples, they have always been vulnerable and susceptible to Western diseases and temptations like smallpox and Covid and sugar and alcohol. I think that the same goes for the anger and hysteria that we see exposed on social media, and even in the universities and public services these days. Native people are extra vulnerable to it because of the deep trauma that is anchored and ingrained in their minds and every fiber of their bodies. It's not called Intergenerational Trauma for nothing. I think this explains the trauma responses, the lateral violence among ourselves, the modern culture of calling-out, and, in its ultimate form, the ugly phenomenon of Pretendian Hunting.

People have lost touch of normal, common-sensical, down-to-earth behavior that used to be so normal in the old days. Yesterday, I was openly attacked on Facebook for "gaslighting." Stating a simple fact is enough to be accused of "gaslighting." This has become pretty normal, so nothing new there... But what surprised me is that it came from someone, a pretty intelligent person, whom I thought was a friend. It makes one wonder. This behavior is classic Wiindigoo behavior. I find it mind-boggling. I think it's high time we all start doing some good old-fashioned Wiindigoo (self-)searching.

Well, that was my 2 cents for today. Onjida for listening!


Illustration: Gizhiiyaase and the Wiindigoo ©2021-2024 Zhaawano Giizhik

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